Conference Program Day Two
Friday 23nd June 2023
Curriculum Conference
8:30 am
Registration | Arrival | Tea and coffee
Welcome - ACSA President | Acknowledgement to Country | International Olympic Day Presentation | Special Guest - Assistant Minister for Education, Senator Anthony Chisolm
Keynote 2 | The Voice Referendum and the implications for Curriculum & Schools | Professor Anne Twomey (Abstract and Bio - here)
Keynote 3 | The importance of Curriculum during times of disruption | Jordana Hunter (Abstract & Bio - here)
Morning Tea break
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Keynote 4 | Australian Curriculum V9 Update | Sharon Foster (Abstract & Bio - here)
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Panel | Expert Viewpoints - Tapping into Wisdom | Panelists: Prof. Alan Reid (Bio), Jacqui Wilton (Bio), Prof Martin Mills | Chair: Prof Lee-Anne Perry
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
12:40 pm
Facilitated discussion and reflection - Jenene Rosser (Abstract & Bio - here)
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Gold Sponsorship Highlight | Cengage - Nelson - Amanda Cunnington
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Lunch Break | Biennial General Meeting - ACSA members: 1:00pm -1:30pm
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Keynote 5 | Future Considerations for Curriculum | Professor Lee-Anne Perry (Abstract & Bio - here)
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Movement into break out sessions
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Workshops – four streams (45 minutes)
Recommendations for Curriculum Implementation
Workshop One | Roma Room | Guide for Principals and Curriculum Leaders | Jordana Hunter (Abstract & Bio - here)
Embedding First Nations People Perspectives
Workshop One | Terrace Room | How can I use the Australian Curriculum when co-designing a teaching and learning plan with local First Nations community/ knowledge custodians? What are the first steps I need to take? | Max Lenoy (Abstract & Bio - here)
What Will Education Look like in 2032? Olympics Unleashed - education programs & support curriculum
Workshop One | Wickham Room | Insight into how Olympics Unleashed and associated education programs support curriculum, while being inspired by a guest Olympian | James Edwards & Dual Olympian, Alyce Wood (Abstract & Bio - here)
Curriculum Inquiry - Refereed papers
Presentation One - 2:15pm (20 mins) | Leichardt Room | Constructing a rich curriculum for all: insights into teaching practices' in Qld secondary schools | Martin Mills & Stewart Riddle (Abstract & Bio - here)
Presentation Two - 2:35pm (20 mins) | Leichardt Room | Leading curriculum change: the NSW approach Perry Wong & Amy Birungi (Abstract & Bio - here)
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Afternoon Tea
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Workshops – four streams (40 minutes)
Demonstrating Outstanding Learning
Workshop Two | Roma Room | School-Wide Pedagogy and the Field of Schools: The Foundations for Encouraging Staff Professional Growth in Disrupted Times | Brisbane Girls Grammar School (Abstract & Bio - here)
Embedding First Nations People Perspectives
Workshop Two | Terrace Room | Part 1 of 2 sessions: Developing cohesive & inclusive pedagogical narratives in the translation and transmittance of curriculum | Dr Sara Weuffen & Dr Greg Vass (Abstract & Bio - here)
Embedding First Nations Australian Science Contexts
Workshop Two | Wickham Room | First Nations Science contexts in the Science classroom | Debra Smith & Cecilia McNeilly (Abstract & Bio - here)
Curriculum Inquiry - Refereed papers
Presentation Three - 3:30pm (20 mins) | Leichardt Room | Student voices in the Australian Curricular landscape: an analysis of student participation across sites of curriculum making | Rebecca Cairns (Abstract & Bio - here)
Presentation Four - 3:50pm (20 mins)| Leichardt Room | How gifted education is viewed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students | Monique Werda (Abstract & Bio - here)
Note: 4:10pm - Move to next Workshop
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Workshops – four streams (40 minutes)
Demonstrating Outstanding Student Learning
Workshop Three | Roma Room | Curriculum implementation that’s having a positive impact inside the school gate | Megan Kelly & Team, NSW DoE (Abstract & Bio - here)
Embedding First Nations People Perspectives
Workshop Three | Terrace Room | Part 2 of 2 sessions: Developing cohesive & inclusive pedagogical narratives in the translation and transmittance of curriculum | Dr Sara Weuffen and Dr Greg Vass (Abstract & Bio - here)
What Will Education Look Like in 2030? The role of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Workshop Three | Wickham Room | The value of disruption driving us back to first principles, and the role of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in this | Mark Lamont, World Mosaic (Abstract & Bio - here)
Curriculum Inquiry - Refereed papers
Presentation Five - 4:15pm (20 mins) | Leichardt Room | The borderland of middle leading: forming identities and leading school subject English (SSE) in the public high school | Arlene Roberts (Abstract & Bio - here)
Presentation Six - 4:35pm (20 mins) | Leichardt Room | Disrupt auto pilot during social interactions between leader and a team member to build trust, connect, grow, and thrive | Judi Newman (Abstract & Bio - here)
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers
Workshops – four streams
Demonstrating outstanding
student learning reflective of a strong pedagogical approach
Embedding First Nations peoples Perspectives
Workshops – four streams
What will Education look like in 2030? How do we get there?
Curriculum Inquiry – Refereed Papers